Here is a blast from the past! In 2011 I had the opportunity to illustrate a fantastic little book about elves, gnomes, and fairies called A Little Lair. The project was extremely influential to my still young illustration career. This was the first children’s book I created for a self publisher. It had its own set of challenges, but the rewards were amazing. The project took time to finally launch, but has now been around for about a year. My drawing desk always has a project on it, and it is sometimes difficult to keep this blog updated with my latest work. Just glancing through these illustrations, it is amazing to see how much I have grown as an artist just in a few years.
Head over to the Little Lair website to pick up your own copy.
Here are a few shots of the book and its packaging. (Courtesy of alittlelair.com)
These types of sketches is usually how a project begins.
The book is currently only available on the A Little Lair website, so go and check it out.