Camp time again friends! Here are the camp shirt designs for this year. The last couple years of camp we have been trying to do more with our apparel. At…
I have the privilege of working on the book illustration for “Pulled from the Fire Saved by Grace” by my friend Jamie Lull. The book tells the story of a man who’s…
Thinking back on my childhood brings fond memories of my mother. There is no way I can possibly imagine all that she has done for me. One of the biggest…
I recently launched my latest web design project, Cal Rice Photography. It was fun project because I realized that with photography portfolios, less design is better. I really wanted Cal’s…
A Gnome works at our Pub. Yes, it is true. Just last night, as I was patiently waiting for my tea, I happen to hear a rather strange noise behind…
Ben Stable spot from Fuzz Studios on Vimeo. I had the privilege of creating some matte paintings for a short animation a few months back. This was my first take at matte…
You may have never known why were aren’t to swim at Deeper Life Bible Camp. All these many years a secret has been kept in the depths of Blackduck Lake….
Ok ok…yes I know. I’m not a fan of Paul Bunyan at all, especially since he is all over the place here in the north western part of Minnesota, and…
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