Newsound Newsound is a fantastic upcoming band featuring solid original worship music. I had the privilege of creating the cover of their latest album/EP. The idea here is out of Revelation 5:11-13….
David and Goliath is such a fantastic story. The battle between the underdog and the overbearing giant is as exciting as it in insightful into a characteristic of the Lord….
This year I made illustrations for my Mom and Dad on Father’s day and Mother’s day. This piece for my Dad is special as he used to enjoy skiing with…
Camp time again friends! Here are the camp shirt designs for this year. The last couple years of camp we have been trying to do more with our apparel. At…
Thinking back on my childhood brings fond memories of my mother. There is no way I can possibly imagine all that she has done for me. One of the biggest…
I recently launched my latest web design project, Cal Rice Photography. It was fun project because I realized that with photography portfolios, less design is better. I really wanted Cal’s…
Ben Stable spot from Fuzz Studios on Vimeo. I had the privilege of creating some matte paintings for a short animation a few months back. This was my first take at matte…
You may have never known why were aren’t to swim at Deeper Life Bible Camp. All these many years a secret has been kept in the depths of Blackduck Lake….
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