I just got back from an amazing trip to Los Angeles, California. The Society of Children’s Books Writers and Illustrators hosted the 40th Annual International Conference. As a first time attendee, I was simply blown away by the amount of information and the crowds of creatives. I met many creatives, which was probably my favorite part of the trip.
After a few weeks to mull over the trip I feel like I have gained the following from the trip.
Make art that is true – The best kind of art, comes from the heart. Not only does it have passion, but is over flowing with truth. People always like art that is true. I shall be talking about this in future posts, but this was the most intriguing aspect of the whole weekend. My art must be true.
Work Hard – Nothing will substitute good old-fashioned hard work. If you want to make it in this industry, there is a lot of time put into honing your craft.
Consistent Target Marketing – Simple consistent marking to people you want to work with is so very important. Also, don’t try to work with everyone. Find the publishers and agents that deal in the kind of work that you do. Since I want to expand in the children’s market, I need to focus on that.
I’m young – Honestly, there were not that many “young” people at the conference. It reminded me of all the learning I have in front of me.
All and all, I’m very glad I was able to attend this year’s conference. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in the Children’s Book market.
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