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The Real Reason We Don’t Swim at Deeper Life

By March 22, 2010February 2nd, 2011Bible, Projects

You may have never known why were aren’t to swim at Deeper Life Bible Camp.  All these many years a secret has been kept in the depths of Blackduck Lake.  May the Lord protect you as you venture out into the mirky waters.

Wow, what a fun piece to put together.  So much of this I feel was done in my head.  Below I have a few images documenting my process.  Enjoy 🙂

The watercolor/digital process.

Everything starts with a sketch. Coming up with the idea can sometimes the most fascinating part of the whole journey. The sketch is scanned into the computer and I draw on it a bit digitally to get it ready for projection.

My latest illustration purchase is a brand new Artograph.  This projector allows me to project quite nicely a sketch for enlargement.  I place my paper below on the table and draw away.

This is the final drawing before I watercolor on BFK printmaking paper.  BFK was my favorite paper for printmaking as an an art student at the university. The drawing is scanned and will be kept to lay over the watercolor so I don’t loose my lines.

Let the watercoloring begin!  This is the most difficult of the process for me, because I am new to watercolor…and boy do I have tons to learn.  I do my best here to stay consistent with color, so I have less to do in post production on the computer.  The watercolor is scanned and ready to go.

And now the really fun part is the digital process.  From the scanned watercolor I place my previously scanned line drawing on top of my watercolor so as to get back my lines lost in the watercolor process.  Then comes color correction, and layers upon layers of painting. I enjoy using custom brushes, airbrushing techniques, and other various layer types to achieve the above image.

So that is my watercolor/digital process in a nutshell.  My next painting will be of my crested gecko, ThimbleTack.

Join the discussion 5 Comments

  • Kev Brett says:

    Very cool. Thanks for sharing your process. Always good to see how others do it!

  • Anna says:

    I would like to know what paper you print your artwork out onto in order to do the watercolor painting. I use craft printing paper, but its only so so. Would love to find paper to go through my hp printer that I can paint directly on to.
    Thanks! Love your artwork, and keep at the watercolor medium, I learned by playing with it mostly.

    • nicholas says:

      I’m using a BFK printmaking paper that I used at school for etching. I like the way it takes the pencil. Thanks for kind words!

  • Taylor says:

    Thanks for sharing your process. I love the mixed media process and your art mixed with design.

    • nicholas says:

      Hey Taylor,
      It is great to hear from you. I’m glad you like the process. It has been super fun to learn a new medium.

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