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All This For Our King

By July 9, 2009February 2nd, 2011Bible, Projects

With camp season well underway I thought I would show you what I have been working on for Deeper Life Bible Camp. The last couple years I have providing a theme for the camp with covers; website, brochure, apparel and a large banner (thanks Christina!) This year’s theme is “All This For Our King”, which gave me an open door for some fun illustrations and typography.  DLBC has had a huge influence on my spiritual life over the years and this is one of the ways I like to give back. Hurray for DLBC!

dlbc_atfok_v12-1brochureWebsite Theme_MG_2722img_6855-2

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  • Ask Vern Montzka why the real reason they don’t swim in Blackduck Lake. His Dad was the recreation director there for many years and he spent two weeks there with his best friend Tim Swedberg every summer and with all of his brothers. There is a legend of a swamp monster that is true, he saw it or something. Did he meet the Lord as his personal savior ther, too? Did,you whoever you are? There was an act of rededication to serving Christ also, do you have that tradition or practice, or has it been fazzzed out?

  • nicholas says:

    Hey Gail,
    I’m not sure I know who Vern is, but yes the legend of the swamp monster lives on. Our current practice is to have a week long theme of encouraging campers to live for Christ.

    Thanks for commenting!

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