The end of 2011 went out with a bang by illustrating for National Geographic! I honestly see illustrating for such a well known client as a milestone in my career. I am both encouraged and honored to have worked with them. Due to a NDA (non-disclosure agreement) I have not been able to post the project until after the publishing date.
The story is about children who want to save their community pond from an infestation of mosquitoes! The following illustrations were full spreads (and 1 spot), that highlighted these fun children in their journey to save their pond! Being from Minnesota, I think it is ironic that I ended up drawing of all things, mosquitoes. Perhaps they subconsciously knew that I would have had a bit of personal experience with the critters. I really enjoyed working with National Geographic and I hope to work with them in the future.
Close up of full spread.
Nice work and a terrific accomplishment to put in your portfolio!